Pick-up & Drop-off Safety Procedures
Drive Through Safety Procedures
Parents, students and staff all work together to ensure the safety of everyone at Walnut Acres. Please read this information carefully to learn about our campus safety rules.
To drop off and pick up students, either use the Drive-Thru in front of the school or park your car on the street. When parents stop in the middle of the street to drop off or pick up children, bicycles and cars attempt to pass and this has caused accidents. Do not drop off in the handicap parking spaces unless authorized.
Please help us be good neighbors by parking only in legal parking spaces. Do not park in red zones, crosswalks, driveways or designated No Parking areas. See the map included in the directory to locate legal parking areas around the school. The school parking lot is for staff and handicapped parking only. Please have your student use sidewalks and crosswalks to access campus instead of walking across the Drive-Thru line.
This area exists to facilitate the smooth and safe drop off and pick up of students in a timely manner. In the morning parent volunteers direct the traffic, open car doors, and greet students. Please follow these guidelines:
Drive carefully and slowly. Respect the directions of the volunteers.
There is to be NO pedestrian traffic in the drive-thru. Parents are not allowed to walk their children from Cerezo Drive through the staff parking lot. This is extremely hazardous.
Drop off children ONLY where there is a volunteer. Children should be ready to exit the car when you pull up. (Backpack ready and goodbyes said, then exit for a great day).
If you already dropped off your student, please don’t pass cars which are still dropping off or drive through the staff parking lot. We’ve had many near-accidents from people doing this.
Do not park in the staff parking lot.
Stop at the stop signs. Remember pedestrians have the right-of-way, especially when they are our children.
Wiget Lane is not a Drive-Thru, The green zone is for people signing children in and out of Walnut Acres Day Care Center. The yellow zone is for cafeteria deliveries only. The red zones mean NO STOPPING or parking. These are not safe areas to drop your child. Cars stopping in the red zones create traffic congestion in many other areas by backing up traffic into crosswalks and the Drive-Thru. Do not double-park or make U-turns anywhere around the school. A Parking Enforcement Officer often patrols this area.
Please use the crosswalks when crossing the streets around the school. Crossing guards are provided at the Wiget/Blackstone, Walnut Ave./Blackstone, Walnut Ave./Hutchinson and Oak Grove/Cerezo intersections for the safety of our student walkers and cyclists. Children and parents alike must wait for the crossing guard when crossing at these intersections (I.e. not walking across one street while the crossing guard is at the other). When driving, please respect the directions of the crossing guard.
Bicycles and scooters must be walked on campus, on the sidewalks surrounding the campus and across crosswalks. Bicyclists and scooter riders must wear helmets.
If you are going to be on campus during the school day, you need to sign yourself in on the clipboard at the office and get a visitor badge. For the protection of the students, all persons on campus are required to wear either school district photo ID or a visitor badge. If you regularly help at school a visitor badge can be found in the school office next to where you sign in. If you need to take your child out of school during the day, there is a separate clipboard in the office for student sign-outs.
For safety and health reasons, dogs are not allowed on site. Support dogs are an exception to this rule but must wear a vest to indicate this status.
Your PFC Safety Coordinators work to maintain a safe environment in and around our school If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the PFC Vice President click to send email
Thank you for following the safety rules. We are looking forward to a safe and successful school year!